Taller de Hilary Chaplain (EEUU)

Los días 4, 5 y 6 de marzo tendremos el honor de acoger a una profesora invitada Erasmus Mundus, Hilary Chaplain, que impartirá un taller de Comedia Física para titiriteros, actores, payasos y bailarines.

Cupo máximo: 15 alumnos. El taller se desarrollará en el Aula MAEV (Centro Internacional, Avda. Ciudad Jardín nº20-22). Los interesados tienen que enviar un correo al Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. para reservar su plaza. Las solicitudes se atenderán por orden de llegada, teniendo preferencia los alumnos del MAEV. Se pide compromiso, responsabilidad y conocimientos básicos o experiencia en el mundo de las artes escénicas.


This class is designed to expand your physical vocabulary and to develop your comic sensibilities and personal point of view so that you can use this visceral knowledge in your work as a performer. I am primarily a Clown and an Actress who uses puppets and objects in my work.  My unique understanding of physical comedy from the point of view of the Theatrical Clown can be extremely useful to performing artists of all genres from puppeteers to animators to classical actors.  We will explore the technique and use of slapstick, improvisation, partnership, comic timing, escalations and accidents in solo, duo and group exercises.  We will develop tools to use in playing comedy from the clown point of view playing improvisational games and exploring the basic relationships between the performer and the audience, between two or three performers and within a group. The exercises are designed to discover a true sense of pleasure and joy in play and explores the wide range of passions and expressiveness within us, from the ridiculous to the grotesque to the innocent, thus allowing us more freedom to access the many colors of our expressive selves.

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Escuela Internacional de Posgrado. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de México Paseo de las Delicias s/n. 41013 Sevilla. Tlf: (34) 954 550139

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